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Sayyed Muhammad Ashraf Assaqaf Al-Madani

Greetings to all, and welcome to a brand new academic year. The children have moved from one grade to another. Their learning’s have matured and changed from the different experiences of the last academic year. There is a word that remains constant – Change.

My memories go back to almost 15 years ago, when the school was started. Today students, alumni, teachers, administration and all the people who have been a part of this school in any capacity past and present – bear witness.

All the above translates into the Vision that I had in mind 15 years ago. This vision is constantly being realized in concerted efforts being put into tasks that we undertake. We are equipping ourselves to be way ahead. The end result is an effective and informed citizen from our school – to make his or her mark in societal reforms apart from professional excellence.

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